- fOOd :p
had been eating mee pOk ta wIf extra chillI everyday for the entire week~ :p Heheh... I jUz like it a lOt~ feel shiOk..
been thinking a lOt about starving kidz in Africa.. dON't know why!???? reflecting on how fortunate we are here... and thinkINg of a certain chIld in our ICU.. very very cUte bOy :p bUt keeps pulling out his NGT and NJT... he can't eat the yUmmy stuffs we eat .. we are Xinfuz :p also thinking about the poor foreign labourers who sit on pavements eating plain rice... *SIGH* feel so badz .... they work very hard too... juz dat we are bOrn in a mOre $$$ place~
- hOme :D
had been thinking about a lot of my friends and ex who havta rent a room/house elsewhere~ cOz either nO $$$ or nOt eligible for hOme LOan~ or who can't be bothered to bUy a place cOz they will go overseas in future~ been thinking about the ah peks who have to sleep outside downstairs on cardboard boxes (that dOn't juz exist in Japan) ... also those married couples who havta apply 10 times still can't get the apartment they want? we are xInfuz to have shelter, be it our own, or our family hOme~ it can be simple but it is safe and cOmfy...
- toilets :D
been reflecting on the toilets we have? I am super excited to be going back to Japan coz I absolutely lOve their toilets :p wahahaha... multi functional spa toilets in normal shopping centres , everywhere! wif buttons u can press for music, bidet, even dolphin sounds, perfume and so forth. So shiok :D wahahhaa.. and very very clean also. If can, I will buy 1 back. :p I also remembered my recent trip to Xi An.... the toilets there scared mi... basically they have this cubicle, maybe the size of our staff room toilet, floor is those muddy Kind... dig like maybe 6 holes in the ground.. n pple juz go in and do their business in full view of everyOne! and the cleaniness... omg. You have no idea how OCD i am.... sorry... I don't mean to sound ungrateful but I got very edgy and irritable no matter how hard I try to embrace it. sorry sorry.... :( but it made mi very appreciative of wad we have :D even though ours may be simple, but it's mostly clean :D
- travels :D
going to a few great places in a year... im looking forward to visiting some beach resort overseas after mi Japan trip :p this is why I love living here~ love our airport, also love HK airport :p and we can travel freely wifout too much restriction on visa etc~
- wOrk :D
excited to be going to MICU and SICU for one month attachments each... since nOw we have many staffing can afford to send mi there~ even though I also wish can go to 88 also :p Coz ... done the central line course yet haven't done my checklist~ i really like PICU coz I love the baBIes and chiLdren.. i am so thankfuL they let mi explOre and learn about other ICUs... it's like, travelling, not out of the countrY but out of our ICU... as an ambassador of sorts ... *LOL* OMG dawnie you are thinking too much .... PLS.. STOP .. IT... :D:D:D most of all I muz love everydaY .. no matter where I am :D Choose wad I like an LIke wad I choose. Loving it :)
- lOve :D
We work out cOz we are different, as lOng as we coMplement each other. We learn frOm each other, cOz we have something to offer, and progress towards a beautifuL future.. it is not free from tears, the fights can be violent, struggles and collision of ideas and plans.. but there is juz something endearing about him.. makes mi feel cOmfy... that is why, no matter wad happens, he is my best friend in this wOrld .. praY dat i will cherish it mOre :D and become less difficult to live with, less selfish and sweeeter... but I am unable to be nice to hiM. LOL... cos I dun feel like it.. but it is a blessing in disguise... I wun smother him :D win win solution!
ermz...these are jUz how random I can get... some things dat goes through my head... Ciaos :D
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