castlevania :D

all abOUt loVe.. and LIfe.. and LOve for life..


Feels thankful :D

We had been eating out quite frequently, lots of good food, really spending at least $50 on meals... hOwever I feel dat nO matter hOw much mOney we have~ we shOUld learn to save???? To mi, as a Cancerian, no matter hOw much $$$ we attract into our lives, even if we can go fine dining or luxurious everydaY... there should be a limit and we should save $$$ for our security!!! We can use the mOney for travelling, fOr our hOme, our familY? :D I told YK... this is our last dining out for the mOment... plz eat mi hOme cooked food from nOw on :D Hopefully he likes the food I make from mi new cookbook :D Yums? hehe...

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